
This Couple Started Observing Shabbat Because of Covid

Over the past few months, Covid-19 has shut down synagogues, forced minyans to move outdoors and kept many people home alone for the holidays. But for Robyn and Gregg Stern, Covid did something quite unexpected. It was the impetus for them to commit to being shomer Shabbos. “My wife and I had an ‘a-ha’ moment,” […]

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This Was the Secret to King David’s Teshuva

Years ago, I was sitting innocently on a bus with Tanach (Bible) in hand when a man began to educate me on what he saw as the Bible’s mistakes. He believed Saul, the first king of Israel, was cheated: he was the better man and should never have lost his throne to David – David […]

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Does Judaism Believe That Impact, Not Intention, Is What Matters?

Hi JITC- I have heard some people say that when it comes to making a mistake, “impact not intention” is what counts. But is this a Jewish idea? -Sharon Dear Sharon- Thanks for your question. I think this goes to the greater question of the complicated interplay between actions and intentions. Do results count without […]

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How A Terrifying God Became A Loving One

On an early morning hike, sitting here in the valley, surrounded by these rustic large rocks, I feel enveloped in God’s embrace. The early morning sun rises from behind the rocks, warms my back and soothes my heart. My eyes slowly scan the bumps and curves of the rocks looming around me. It’s as if […]

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How Rivka’s Righteousness Comes From Her Questionable Past

What does it mean to leave everything behind? To reject the ideas a person grew up with, and commit instead to new ideals? Is it possible to maintain anything of the past when embarking on a new life? When we first meet Rivka, she seems basically perfect. Avraham has tasked his servant with finding the […]

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