
Can You Be Buried In A Jewish Cemetery With Tattoos?

Dear Jew in the City, My friend said you can’t be buried in a Jewish cemetery with tattoos – is that true? Thanks, Alexander   Dear Alexander- That Jews with tattoos cannot be buried in a Jewish cemetery is a persistent myth, right up there with “Jews don’t believe in Hell.” And, like “Jews don’t […]

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During Covid’s Quarantine, I Returned To Torah And Found Freedom

Approaching Shavuot and counting the Omer–the Kabbalistic process between Passover and Shavuot—I remember my teshuva story. I was an Israelite unknowingly enslaved to a foreign culture, only to break through the goo of exile and receive the treasure of Torah. I returned to myself in isolation. Perhaps it had to be that way. I was living […]

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What is Teshuva And How Do You Properly Do It?

Dear Jew in the City, What does it really mean to do teshuvah and how do we do it properly? Sincerely, Noah Dear Noah, Thanks for your very timely question. Taking a page from the sage Hillel, I’ll explain teshuvah “on one foot.” When my oldest child was young, he had a toy car that […]

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