
What it’s Like to Celebrate Chanukah at Google

What’s it like to be Jewish and work at Google? While the holidays are often celebrated by the “Jewglers,” as they are known, Chanukah is particularly special. Google itself has shared photos from its offices in New York, Tel Aviv, Mountain View and Dublin, showing employees celebrating the holiday. Menorahs are displayed, made of cool […]

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What Is the Torah Approach to Fire Safety?

Dear Jew in the City- Since I became religious, I’ve been scared about the seemingly loose attitude about fire safety in the frum world (leaving Shabbos and Chanukah candles burning, hot plates on for 3-day Yom Tov stretches). What’s the right approach here? Sincerely, Morgan Dear Morgan- Thanks for your question. I’m with you on […]

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A Pittsburgh Rebbetzin Reflects On Tree of Life Tragedy

This Shabbos morning began like any other. My husband gave the littlest kids their breakfast so that I could get a few extra minutes of sleep. After he left for shul, I got myself and the kids dressed, and we headed next door to our shul, PZ. The only excitement was that my oldest son […]

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