
Supermodel Praises Chabad Rebbe & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Karlie Kloss: “Only Now Do I Have The Confidence To Stand Tall & Know The Power Of My Voice” Shabbat, the day of rest that requires completely disconnecting from the digital world from sunset each Friday until nightfall on Saturday, has been a ritual Kloss has specifically embraced. “I think we all have a tendency […]

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What’s the Real Difference Between Prayers and Wishes?

Hi Jew in the City- With the Aladdin remake in theaters, it made me wonder what’s the real difference between prayers and wishes? I know that Hashem is no genie to do our bidding, but sometimes I wonder about the limits of what we’re supposed to pray for. What do Jewish sources say? Sincerely, Jessica […]

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How to Combat A Spiritual Winter

When we first moved to Cleveland, people warned me about the cold, snowy winters. I was undaunted, having spent much of my childhood in Des Moines, Iowa, where snow is abundant. But to my dismay, those first winters were miserable. I was cold. My feet were always chilly or wet. My fingers were numb. My […]

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Why is Davening So Repetitive?

Dear JITC- One thing I struggle with is davening. Why do we normally only daven for Jewish people? I like variety and new things, why do we have to say the same words over and over again? Also, in the past, I really davened for important things that then didn’t come about, where does that […]

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