
Why Do We Still Not Eat Kitniyos If No One Confuses Beans and Wheat?

Dear Jew in the City, What’s the deal with kitniyos? Especially being that we know now it’s not chametz, and some Jews eat it and some don’t… Sincerely, Rice on Pesach Dear Rice, Kitniyos (or kitniyot) is typically translated as “legumes” and the Ashkenazi practice is not to eat them on Passover. This isn’t because we used to […]

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50 Second Matzah Crack Recipe

You need to eat a minimum amount of matzah at the seder. You won’t need any help eating this! With thanks to Marcy Goldman – the creator of ‘Matzah Crack’ Director of Photography: Elliot Gabor http://eliecreative.com Produced by Seth Feldman Production Assistant: Danny Moallem

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