
Agam Berger’s Heroic Return

“I chose the path of faith, and in the path of faith I returned.” Last week, hostage Agam Berger’s mother said she didn’t want to violate the Sabbath to collect her daughter. In a situation of grave danger there is room in Jewish law for leniency on Sabbath observance. But after Agam’s mother made this […]

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6 Must-Try Items from Kosherpalooza

If you were at last week’s Kosherpalooza, you know how awesome it was. Tons of food from so many vendors lined the walls and Instagram celebs milled about at this kosher consumer show. I was swept up in the joyful energy and shared love everyone had for really good, interesting and delicious kosher food. Here, some […]

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What Are The Rules of Being an Orthodox Jew?

Dear Rabbi JITC, “What are the rules of being an Orthodox Jew?” -Nathaniel Dear Nathaniel, Now that’s an interesting question. First, I want to give a caveat that halacha (Jewish law) isn’t intended just for “Orthodox Jews”; it’s intended for Jews, full stop. All throughout the Biblical era, the Talmudic era, etc., Jews were just […]

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Ethnic Food Month: What Jews Around The World Eat

Jews are a refugee people, and as an ethnic minority we have never had a solid home base since our exile from our homeland in 70CE, due to Roman colonizers. As such, our ethnic food has become the food of the places that have housed us. While classic Ashkanazi foods like brisket, matzah ball soup […]

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Why Is Honey Kosher If Bees Are Not?

Dear Jew in the City, Why is honey kosher if bees are not? Sincerely, Ryan Dear Ryan, Thanks for your question. It’s an excellent question, but I’m going to explain it for those who may not know why it’s excellent. There’s a general rule in kashrus that the products of non-kosher animals are likewise non-kosher. […]

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