
Does Flying On A Plane On Shabbos Make You Not Orthodox?

On Friday morning, I opened up Facebook and read that Jared and Ivanka Kushner were going to be flying to the Mideast with President Trump that night on the Jewish Sabbath. A spokesperson for the couple said they had gotten approval to do so from a rabbi. As I read through the comments of several […]

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11 Orthodox Jews In U.S. Politics

Whether we’re thrilled with our choices of candidates or not, America undeniably has election fever. As we saw recently, Orthodox Jews have always had a place in the leadership of the United States. Now, more than ever, observant Jews are making their mark on contemporary politics. Here are some Shabbos-observers who are at work in […]

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6 Orthodox Jews Who Made Their Mark On the American Revolution

From America’s earliest beginnings, Orthodox Jews* have been a part of the picture. The first American synagogue was New York’s Orthodox Shearith Israel, founded in 1654. Here are the top six Torah observers and their part in early American History. The Soldier at Valley Forge** – The menorah lights may have helped General Washington persevere as […]

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