
The Real Story of Israel In Response to Emma’s World

A couple weeks ago Chanale Fellig approached us explaining that a Tiktoker called Emma’s World had made a viral and very historically inaccurate video claiming libelous things about Jews and our ties to the land of Israel. She wanted to know if we were interested in setting the record straight. We said we must. The […]

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Do Jews Have Any Valid Claims To The Land Of Israel?

Dear Jew in the City- I know how to solve the Israeli/Palestinian crisis – make Israel a 51st state of the United States. Let them leave behind that land to the Palestinians and we’ll get them some land here. Could that work? – M.S. Dear M.S. – Thanks for your question. No, that wouldn’t work. […]

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Jews In Hiding (No More)

From Roman invaders And Hellenist Greeks From violent Crusaders Those days were so bleak From Inquisitors in Spain And Nazis of Reich three Cossacks in Russia And then the KGB   But not in New York, Toronto, or LA. Not in London, Lima, or Paris, we won’t hide today.   The world woke up to […]

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