
It’s Time to Rethink How We Jews Portray Ourselves on Television

It’s time to talk about how Jews portray themselves on television. With the release of “My Unorthodox Life,” once again Jewish bloggers and writers are up in arms – and rightfully so – about how Jews, specifically Orthodox Jews, are made into over-stereotyped caricatures of what society expects them to be. We can blame anti-Semitism […]

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If Jews Control Hollywood, Why Are There So Many Cringeworthy Jewish Characters?

Last week Variety editor Malina Saval penned an important piece:  Too Jewish For Hollywood: As Antisemitism Soars, Hollywood Should Address Its Enduring Hypocrisy In Hyperbolic Caricatures of Jews. In it Saval discusses Hollywoood’s Jewish history and its troubling portrayal of Jews. While some will say, “Jews control Hollywood,” the truth is that Jews created Hollywood […]

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Meet the Haredi Singer Grandson of Hollywood Actor Steven Hill

19-year-old Yanky Hill flew back to Jerusalem this week after spending time in Ukraine and then New York with friends. As a singer who is making his own way, despite the family footsteps of his brother Singer Ari Hill and his grandfather, actor Steven Hill, he recently released a song in Yiddish and Hebrew called […]

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