
Why Do Orthodox Jewish Men Wear Big Fur Hats?

Dear Jew in the City, Why do Orthodox Jews wear big fur hats? Sincerely, Suzanne Dear Suzanne, Thanks for your question. I’m sure you are familiar with the children’s riddle, “Why do firemen wear red suspenders?” The answer, “To keep their pants up,” only addresses why firemen wear suspenders. The question one should have asked […]

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Why Being A Feminist Is Actually Very Jewish

People can be quick to judge Chassidic Jews. Many people only see the external trappings of members of my community, such as beards, payos, and long dresses. But I want to give you a taste of how being Chassidic is much more than our cultural facade — it’s being able to connect to the Super […]

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Hasidic Family Returns Wallet Containing $1400

A Hasidic family (name undisclosed) from Brooklyn found a wallet during an outing to Governors Island last Thursday. The wallet contained $1,400 in cash. Intent on performing the mitzvah of hashavas aveida (returning lost items), the family contacted State Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein in hopes of tracking down the owner of the wallet: Christopher Collins, who […]

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