
Tehillim for Fallen Soldiers Brings Haredi and Secular Jews Together

An initiative for Yom Hazikaron has brought secular and religious Jews together in Israel, as Haredi Jews signed up to read Tehillim for fallen Israeli soldiers. With increased tension between the populations due to COVID-19, this timely partnership has helped many Israelis make sense of this difficult time. The “For Every Victim There Is A […]

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If Every Jew Dressed Orthodox, This Would Happen to Antisemitic Incidents

David Baddiel’s book, Jews Don’t Count, sets up the argument that Jews are never given the same consideration as other minorities or ethnicities. But secular Jews don’t acknowledge that the majority of this prejudice is towards Orthodox Jews, who experience more attacks, both verbal and physical, than any other Jews. Because so many Jews today […]

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Meet the Haredi Comedy Duo Going Viral on YouTube

While they originally wrote their skits for a Haredi fanbase, comedians Efi Skakovsky and Meni Wakshtock have met mass appeal with secular Israelis as well. Destroying all preconceived notions of how serious Haredim can be, the duo known as the Hebrew word for Chaos, Bardak are making friends and fans throughout the Hebrew-speaking world. With […]

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Meet the Haredi Singer Grandson of Hollywood Actor Steven Hill

19-year-old Yanky Hill flew back to Jerusalem this week after spending time in Ukraine and then New York with friends. As a singer who is making his own way, despite the family footsteps of his brother Singer Ari Hill and his grandfather, actor Steven Hill, he recently released a song in Yiddish and Hebrew called […]

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Israeli Television Bridges Gap From Secular to Religious Jews & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Israel’s Ultra-Orthodox Jews ‘Least Stressed’ by Covid-19, Says Study Ultra-Orthodox Jews in Israel have been happier and less stressed during the Covid-19 pandemic than others, including secular Jews, according to new research. A study of the Israeli Jewish population by Tel Aviv University found levels of resilience were higher in ultra-Orthodox communities than other groups, […]

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