
Eat Some Turkey—It’s A Mitzvah!

When you dig into your Thanksgiving turkey this year, remember that it’s not only an American tradition, and an opportunity to express gratitude for our great country, but a mitzvah. Surprised? Let me explain.  The Torah, in Leviticus Chapter 7, discusses a “korban todah”—a “thanksgiving sacrifice.” The commentator Rashi explains that a person brought such […]

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Eat Some Turkey—It’s A Mitzvah!

When you dig into your Thanksgiving turkey this year, remember that it’s not only an American tradition, and an opportunity to express gratitude for our great country, but a mitzvah. Surprised? Let me explain.  The Torah, in Leviticus Chapter 7, discusses a “korban todah”—a “thanksgiving sacrifice.” The commentator Rashi explains that a person brought such […]

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How This Orthodox Jewish Woman Gives Back to COVID Nurses

What image comes to mind when you think about Orthodox Jews during the Coronavirus crisis? Shoshana Bernstein of Monsey, New York is changing that perception to one of Kiddush Hashem, providing meals and snacks to emergency room nurses on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19. But Bernstein isn’t a stranger to doing good […]

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Make A Personal Dayenu List During Coronavirus

When so many things that we relied on and were comforted by get stripped away, we have a chance to start at the basics, take an account of all we do still have, and say thank you for it. We all have a personal list of Dayenus (which literally means “It would have been enough […]

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