
Orthodox Jews Banned from Booking Vacation by German Company

Antisemitism is chilling no matter where you are in the world. Yet, when news broke out of an Orthodox Jewish family not being allowed to book a vacation by a German company, it hit a little differently. Germany was home to the mastermind of the Holocaust, the epicenter of evil. That evil started small. Seemingly […]

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A History of How Jews Erase Themselves To Meet Gentile Expectations

In recent years, there’s been a growing trend towards minority appreciation and pride. Ethnic names and hairstyles are being used and worn more frequently. Religious symbols like saris, hijabs and Sikh turbans are being featured more prominently in popular media. Yet Jewishness has not had the same popularization: Jews are still mocked in the media, […]

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Hasidim Banned from Lufthansa Flight for “Looking Jewish”

A group consisting of about 150 Orthodox Jews were traveling to Hungary on the evening of May 4 for the yahrtzeit (anniversary of his passing) of Reb Shayala of Kerestir and refused boarding on their connecting Lufthansa flight in Frankfurt. The chilling reason why? “It’s Jews from JFK.” According to Dan’s Deals, Lufthansa informed “the group […]

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This Story About Purim Will Blow Your Mind

Are you ready to hear a chilling story about Purim? Let’s take it back to the Talmud to start – the book of the Talmud connected to Purim. Jacob said before the Holy One, “Do not grant Esau the wicked the desire of his heart.” This refers to Germamya, a royal province of Edom, who […]

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German Army Names First Rabbi Chaplain Since Holocaust

Hungarian Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Zsolt Balla was one of the first rabbis ordained in Germany in 70 years. The Covid-19 Pandemic provided a backdrop for him to rise to international fame when he posted videos of himself praying alone in the beautiful Leipzig synagogue. As the first Jewish chaplain serving in the German army since […]

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