
When Is It Okay To Question Rabbinic Leadership?

Dear Jew in the City- I know we’re supposed to have emunah b’chachamim, but what if I experienced rabbis doing bad things? When do I have emunah and when can I question leadership? Thanks, D.J. Dear D.J.- Thanks for your question and sorry if you have had negative experiences. First, I’d like to clarify the […]

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How A Terrifying God Became A Loving One

On an early morning hike, sitting here in the valley, surrounded by these rustic large rocks, I feel enveloped in God’s embrace. The early morning sun rises from behind the rocks, warms my back and soothes my heart. My eyes slowly scan the bumps and curves of the rocks looming around me. It’s as if […]

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How Yeshivas Grow Future Engineers & Other Orthodox Jews in The News

Jerusalem Students Design New Medical Technology For Infants at Hackathon A group of students at the Jerusalem College of Technology (JCT) won a prize for designing a wireless oxygen saturation monitor for infants as part of the second annual women’s hackathon at the college’s Machon Tal campus last week. The device was designed as a […]

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