
Do Orthodox Jews Perform Virgin Purity Tests?

Dear Jew in the City- I read in The Atlantic that a bunch of religions, including Orthodox Jews, require a purity test, i.e., to check if the bride is a virgin. That is horrifying. Do Orthodox Jews really do this? Thanks, Rebecca Dear Rebecca, Thanks for your question. I hadn’t read that, so I Googled […]

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Does Shomer Negiah Have Allowances for Work or Medical Reasons?

Dear JITC- I work at a school and a nurse there needed to perform a medical procedure and refused to because it meant touching a woman. Does halacha require someone to avoid touching the opposite sex even for work or medical procedures? Sincerely, Bassie Dear Bassie- I am so confused by this question. The nurse […]

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Does Judaism Permit Abortion When Rape or Incest is Involved?

Dear Jew in the City- A lot of people have commented on the fact that Alabama’s new abortion law doesn’t have exceptions for rape or incest. Does Halacha permit abortion when the woman gets pregnant as a result of rape or incest? Thank you, Sasha Dear Sasha- Thanks for your question. I was going to […]

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Where’s The Line Between Tznius (Modest) and Sexy?

Dear Jew in the City, I recently watched a video about “tznius sexy” and was wondering your thoughts. I was wondering what the connection is between looking good (beautiful) and dressing modestly? Can you dress beautifully, modernly, and womanly (not hiding the fact you are a women) and be modest at the same time? Where […]

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