
What is the Torah View of Marijuana Use?

Hi JITC- What is the Torah view of Marijuana use? Is there a difference between medical and recreational use? Thanks, T.K. Dear T.K.- This past summer, my wife and I vacationed in Utah. One of the tourist destinations recommended online was the Brigham Young University Museum of Paleontology (which is really fun to say). My […]

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What Can I Do When I Just Don’t Feel Jewishly Inspired?

Dear Jew in the City- I just don’t feel Jewishly inspired. What can I do? Thank you, Jackson Dear Jackson- Thanks for your question, though I don’t think it necessarily plays to my strengths. There are people who have more spiritual inclinations towards religion and people who have more rationalist inclinations towards religion. (These are […]

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Is Judaism a Religion, a Race or a Cultural Identity?

Dear JITC- I’m confused as to whether being Jewish is a religion, a race, a cultural identity or all three. If it’s not a race, then how come Jewishness is inherited? All the best, Miranda Dear Miranda- Thanks for your question. This is a tricky topic so let’s define what things are. A race is […]

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What Does Judaism Say About Wearing Fur?

Hi JITC- Fur is being banned in NYC. This obviously affects all the Hasidic Jews. What’s the Torah opinion on fur? Thanks, Dana Dear Dana- Thanks for your question. Let me clarify the matter for those not in the know. The sale of fur is being considered for a ban in New York City; wearing […]

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How Can The Torah Command Us Not To Be Jealous?

Dear JITC- How can the Torah command me to not be jealous of our neighbor? How am I supposed to control my feelings? Thanks, R.Z. Dear R.Z.- Thanks for your question. I assume that you’re referring to Exodus 20:14, the last of the “Ten Commandments,” which is the prohibition against coveting, though, really, you could […]

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