
What Does Judaism Say About Having a Clean Home?

Dear Jew in the City- Are there Torah sources that encourage the idea of having a clean home? Thank you, Hailey Dear Hailey- I love this question, so I’d like to cast the net a little wider. Namely, I’d like to address personal hygiene, laundry and then clean homes. For starters, forget that old chestnut […]

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How Do We Not Lose Hope That Moshiach Hasn’t Come Yet?

Dear Jew in the City- Moshiach hasn’t come for thousands of Tisha b’Avs so far. How do we not lose hope? Thanks, CM Dear CM- Thanks for your question. I think you’ve hit the nail on the head. Before I explain what I mean by that, a quick refresher on moshiach, culled from the Rambam’s […]

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Should a Rabbi Meddle Into Someone Else’s Personal Life?

Dear Jew in the City- Should a rabbi meddle into someone else’s personal life? Thank you, R.B. Dear R.B.- Thanks for your question. First, let’s clarify what you mean by a “rabbi.” In the Orthodox community, becoming a rabbi is not the same as becoming a priest in Catholicism. In many ways, it’s more like […]

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What Torah Laws Are Broken When People Act With Misplaced Piety?

Dear JITC- We see people who insisted on davening with a minyan now catching and spreading this virus. What Jewish laws are people breaking when they act like this in these challenging times? Do Jewish texts give other examples of misplaced piety? Thanks, Yoni Dear Yoni- You’re being generous by referring to it as “misplaced […]

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