
How do the Miracles of Chanukah Inspire Miracles Today?

Dear Jew in the City, What did the Jewish people do in the time of Chanukah to merit miracles and what can we do now to merit miracles in our day? Sincerely, Jonah   Dear Jonah, Thanks for your question, though I want to reframe it before I answer: don’t plan for miracles. We have […]

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What is the point of Prayer When God Knows What We Want?

Dear Jew in the City, Why does Hashem need our prayers, especially when He already knows what we want and need? Why is prayer so important? Sincerely, Rachel   Dear Rachel, Thanks for your question. Unfortunately, you’ve got things backwards. God is complete and perfect; we’ve got nothing to offer Him that He “needs.” Sure, […]

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Are Orthodox Jews Allowed To Kiss and Tell?

Dear Jew in the City, Are there any laws that tell people not to talk about their intimate lives? What are the exceptions? Sincerely, Hannah   Dear Hannah, There are indeed such laws, and you’ve probably heard of them. Collectively, such laws are referred to as “tzniyus.” “Hey!” I hear you say. “Tzniyus refers to the […]

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The Day I Didn’t Die In The Sbarro’s Bombing

Twenty-one years ago today, I was in Israel on a work trip and decided to meet a friend for lunch in Jerusalem. I had grown up with non-kosher Sbarro’s at home and going to Israel and eating the kosher versions of my favorite non-kosher foods from my youth was always fun. My friend and I […]

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What is Modern Orthodoxy?

Dear JITC- What is Modern Orthodoxy? Thanks, Meredith Dear Meredith, Thanks for your question. In order to explain what Modern Orthodoxy is, I think we first have to explain what Orthodoxy is. It begins with a history lesson. In the year 2448 from the Creation of the world, corresponding to 1312 BCE, the Jews who […]

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