
This Woman Runs a Dance School for Haredi Women in Israel

With the goal of driving up empowerment and self-worth for girls and women, Hawaii-born Rachel Factor has created a Jerusalem-based program for dance. The former Rockette and Broadway performer has spoken at seminaries and colleges around the world about her journey to Judaism. After making aliyah to Israel, Factor began to perform for women, and […]

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Dubai Kosher Chef Draws Acclaim for Fusion Emirati-Jewish Cuisine

Despite the treaty between the United Arab Emirates and Israel coming through last year, relations were already established within the country via the fusion cuisine of Elli Kriel. A trained sociologist, she has lived in the country since 2013 and first served kosher food to tourists from her home kitchen. She has since wowed a […]

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London’s Haredi Jews Roll Up Their Sleeves to Fight COVID-19

While almost 117,000 people have died from COVID in the United Kingdom, its Haredi community has been especially hard-hit, with 64% of its population testing positive in contrast to England’s 16%. Therefore community leaders created a pop-up vaccination site to coincide with motzaei Shabbos, so that as evening services ended, people could line up in […]

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