
Beatie Deutsch is the Face of Adidas’ Newest Campaign

Beatie Deutsch only started running in 2016, but now the marathon winner (ranked in the top 80 women runners in the world!) and Haredi mom of five is the face of Adidas’ latest campaign. Always dressed modestly when she runs, Deutsch is an inspiration for Orthodox Jewish women, who sometimes aren’t sure how to combine […]

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Nissim Black Returns to New York For Musical Tour

Nissim Black, the former gangsta rapper who is now an Orthodox Jewish father of six in Beit Shemesh, Israel, returned to New York last week to headline concerts in Passaic, NJ and at the Israeli Consulate in New York. Along his journey, he has taken rap music and imbued it with spirituality, bringing his creative […]

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Western Australia’s Supreme Court Adds Orthodox Jewish Judge

For the first time, an Orthodox Jew is being appointed to the Supreme Court in Western Australia. Rabbi Marcus Solomon is an attorney, legal educator and Jewish educator, as well as a leader in the Perth Jewish community, having established the Beit Midrash of Western Australia in 1993. Western Australia Attorney-General John Quigley said, “It […]

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