
Israeli Government to Hire Orthodox Women to Advise on Jewish Law

Matan Kahana, the deputy Minister of Religious Services to the Israeli Knesset, announced on June 2 that he would hire women in Jewish leadership positions for communities across Israel. In what capacity? Advisers of Jewish law relating to mikvah, or yoatzot halacha. Recently, there has been a growing demand among Orthodox Jewish women — particularly […]

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A Gift Of Life And A Wink From God

          We live in a world with a lot of confusion. On a regular basis, we see innocent people suffer and evil people prosper. Even when life isn’t explicitly unfair, we often don’t see the behind the scenes workings of the universe. We see only a small snippet of reality from […]

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Amar’e Stoudemire Leaves the Nets for Shabbat Observance

Amar’e Stoudemire – six-time NBA All-Star and a Jew In The City All-Star – has recently announced that he’s leaving his position as a player development assistant coach for the Brooklyn Nets after a two-year run. There has been some media speculation about why the star made this decision; some blamed the tension between him […]

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Hasidic Family Returns Wallet Containing $1400

A Hasidic family (name undisclosed) from Brooklyn found a wallet during an outing to Governors Island last Thursday. The wallet contained $1,400 in cash. Intent on performing the mitzvah of hashavas aveida (returning lost items), the family contacted State Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein in hopes of tracking down the owner of the wallet: Christopher Collins, who […]

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HBO Max to Produce Dramedy Based on Nissim Black’s Life Story

HBO Max recently announced the production of a new dramedy series based on the life of Nissim Black: a black non-Jewish rapper turned Hasidic rapper. Black has been approached by numerous networks, like Netflix and celebrities like Queen Latifa, who wanted to do a documentary on his life. But when director Sally Richardson, who Black […]

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