
Orthodox Jews In The News: Weekly Round Up

“Driver With Cancer Patient Wrongly Accused of ‘Illegal Cab'”  Although TLC wrongly accused this Hasidic man, it was a nice opportunity for an otherwise hidden kindness to be publicized.

“How a Nice Jewish Exterminator Rids a City of Pests.” – An Orthdox Jewish exterminator kills bugs the Kosher way.

“Orthodox Jews, Afro-Caribbeans Compete in Annual Soccer for Harmony 6 Tournament” – A friendly game of soccer brings two communities together.

“Israel’s Goal: Draw Ultra-Orthodox Jews Into Tech Boom” – Both Israel’s government and many of the country’s biggest tech employers bring Ultra-Orthodox into the “startup nation”.

“A Glimpse Inside Israel’s Hasidic Communities.” – How a photographer’s interactions with the Hasidic community helped him view his neighbors in a new light.

Where’s Stanley Sandberg To Show Millennial Men They Can Have It All? How do men balance family and career? If you’re an Orthodox Jew, like Charlie Harary, you have a special day called “Shabbos” when no work is allowed.

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