
Orthodox Jewish All Star, Dr. Jeremy England, “The Next Darwin”

Meet Orthodox Jewish All Star – Dr. Jeremy England – award-winning MIT physicist who many call “the next Darwin”!! “I don’t think there is any problem being a scientist while also having a commitment to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and Torah…those who see a strong tension there either need to have a subtler understanding of the […]

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Orthodox Jewish All Star, Baroness Ros Altmann, UK Pensions Minister

The first video from our 4th Annual Orthodox Jewish All Stars – Baroness Ros Altmann, UK Pensions Minister. “In the ministry, they have been wonderful about it.” Hear about how Baroness Ros Altmann became the highest ranking Orthodox female in the history of the British government. (Stay tuned to hear the stories from several more All Stars…)

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4th Annual Orthodox Jewish All Stars Awards Party Recap

The Fourth Annual Orthodox All Star Awards this past Thursday was an incredible night! Eight of our ten All Stars flew in from all over the world, including the UK Pension’s Minister, Baroness Ros Altmann, who came in from London for only twenty hours! The other All Stars in attendance were: Treasurer of Columbia University, Gail […]

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