
What It’s Like to Be A Modern Chasidic Jew (AKA Heimish)

You’ve heard the term “modern Orthodox,” but have you ever heard of “modern chasidic,” also known as heimish? At Jew in the City, we love to show the nuances in the Orthodox Jewish world that many people are completely unaware of. In some cases, this lack of understanding even exists between one Orthodox community and […]

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I’m Hasidic, And…

Too often, Hasidic Jews are depicted in the media as two-dimensional characters, lacking humanity, nuance, or individuality. Here’s a glimpse of a side you may not have seen. See more out-of-the-box Hasidim here.

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The Hasidic Cantor Who Starred in a PBS Special

You’ve heard of The Three Tenors, but have you heard of The Three Cantors? Yanky Lemmer, one of the three, was born and bred in Borough Park as a Belzer Hasid. After yeshiva, Lemmer went to Israel and was paired with a kollel student to learn for an hour a day. Lemmer’s chavrusa, Elimelech, invited him […]

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93Queen’s Look Inside Ruchie Freier’s Ezras Nashim Ambulance Corps

Far too often the hasidic community is painted with a broad brush by the media, lacking nuance or showing the humanity of its inhabitants. Paula Eiselt’s documentary 93Queen does the exact opposite. It offers an up close and personal perspective of an ostensibly different world, yet one driven by human beings, struggling to make positive changes […]

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