
Meet Orthodox Jewish NASA Aerospace Engineer, Aaron Brown

  Houston, we don’t have a problem! That’s because when Aerospace Engineer, Aaron Brown, first encountered Torah in an in-depth way, he thought it was out of this world. Brown, who specializes in trajectory analysis, design, and operations at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston, sees no contradiction in being a rocket scientist and […]

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This Orthodox Rabbi Was Named 1 of The Funniest People in the World

What do you get when thousands of comedians from dozens of countries go head to head in The Laugh Factory’s “Funniest Person in the World” competition? Six finalists, including an Orthodox rabbi named David Kilimnick. The competition, which took place this past month in Finland was created in the hopes of bringing peace to the world through […]

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11 Orthodox Jews In U.S. Politics

Whether we’re thrilled with our choices of candidates or not, America undeniably has election fever. As we saw recently, Orthodox Jews have always had a place in the leadership of the United States. Now, more than ever, observant Jews are making their mark on contemporary politics. Here are some Shabbos-observers who are at work in […]

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This Orthodox Jewish Kid Just Improved Uber

2014 Orthodox Jewish All Star Joshua Meier, born and raised Modern Orthodox in Teaneck New Jersey, may be one of the most accomplished twenty-year-olds you’ll ever meet. Named one of CNN’s “Eight Whiz Kids who are the Future of Medicine,” in May of 2014, Joshua won fourth place in Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF) and first […]

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