
Anti-Semitic Tirade Follows Orthodox Jewish Baby Left In Hot Car

Earlier this week, in Howell, New Jersey, a four month old baby girl was left in a parked car in 90 degree weather with the windows rolled up, while her mother shopped in Kohl’s with her other children. Thankfully, two good Samaritans heard the wailing child, shattered the car’s window, and rescued her. The mother, […]

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Why Observant Jews Leave Judaism

Having run the gamut of observance herself, Faranak Margolese devoted five years to researching, interviewing, and surveying hundreds of people who left Orthodox Judaism in order to better understand the “off the derech” phenomenon. Her 2005 highly acclaimed book “Off The Derech: Why Observant Jews Leave Judaism, How To Respond To the Challenge” is perhaps […]

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I’m Hasidic. Don’t You Know I’m Human Too?

Editor’s note: This essay was written by a friend of a (Facebook) friend. We saw the post on the Facebook friend’s wall and asked for permission to publish it. I sit on the commuter train, as I do every morning for the past ten months. I am one among the hundreds of thousands of humans […]

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The Gross Double Standard In “Body Shaming”

Last month we released “The Skin Gap,” a YouTube video which humorously conveys a pervasive gender inequality that no one ever talks about: the societal expectation for thin, young girls and women to show off more skin than their male counterparts in the same social settings. We received a lot of support for this video, […]

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