
Why Do Jews Pray For The Dead?

Dear Jew in the City, The Calling has the Orthodox detective saying a prayer (Kaddish) over every dead body he finds. Why do Jews pray for the dead? Sincerely, Jon Dear Jon, Thanks for your question. I haven’t seen The Calling so I can’t comment directly on the show, but there seems to be sufficient […]

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Rolling Stone’s Antisemitic Take On Miami Boys Choir

When it comes to going viral, anything is fair game. One day it’s about a kid eating corn, the next it’s an Orthodox Jewish music group. The Miami Boys Choir shocked the Internet when young boys in yarmulkes performing their song, “Yerushalayim Harim Saviv La,” became head-bopping content for both Jews and non-Jews alike on […]

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Can Orthodox Jews Eat Ice Cream?

Out of all the controversies surrounding Orthodox Jews, I never thought ice cream would be one of them. Yet today, “Can Orthodox Jews eat ice cream?” was a breakout Google search — thanks to FX’s new thriller, The Patient. The show features a Jewish therapist grappling with a particularly unique and dangerous client, as well as […]

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