
Traitorous Jews, Who Turned On Their Community, Throughout History

It’s no secret that Orthodox Jews are the targets in a brutal game of whack-a-mole. Many antisemitic incidents involve non-Jews preying on Jews, but there are also an unfortunate number of incidents which are instigated by Jews upon other Jews and are often quite eloquent or media-centric. For example, within the past several months there […]

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“You People” Normalizes Farrakhan’s Views On Jews

The following movie review began with angry texts I sent to friends and colleagues yesterday, as I was watching You People, the number one movie now streaming on Netflix. It premiered on Holocaust Remembrance Day, and I’ve got to hand it to them on the timing: nothing says #neveragain like #rightnow. There are numerous spoilers […]

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The Marginalized Group Inclusion Spaces Forgot to Include

In November, our JITC Hollywood Bureau attended the Television Academy’s DEI summit where they told us to be brave and asked if they had missed any points. I was. They had. I explained that they had forgotten the Jews. An academic entertainment group at UCLA, Scholars and Storytellers, heard by impassioned speech and wanted me […]

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