
“Big Bang Theory” Producer Chats About Orthodox Jews on TV

I first heard about Eric Kaplan, senior writer and producer at The Big Bang Theory (and author of the new humorous philosophy book “Does Santa Exist?”) several years ago from my friend and Partner in Torah Mayim Bialik. Eric was doing a fair amount of Jewish learning with Orthodox Jewish rabbis and had started a weekly […]

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WSJ Asks “Passover or Spring Break?” I Respond

The Wall Street Journal has been very interested in Passover themed stories of late. A couple weeks ago I was quoted in an article about “Passover bagels” where the author wanted to know if eating foods that mimic chametz (leavened) is cheating. (Check out my answer and notice who was more lenient on the subject:  me, […]

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Letter To NYMag Editor On Orthodox Jewish “Fundamentalists”

Last week The Forward (not known for being the most pro-Orthodox publication out there) posted a surprisingly positive article about Orthodox and Hasidic women entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, far too often, when a positive piece about an Orthodox Jew comes out, someone, somewhere feels compelled to write a negative response to it. This is my response to […]

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“Fill the Void” Fills a Void in Movies About Hasidim

My husband and I recently saw the award-winning, critically-acclaimed film “Fill the Void,” directed by an Israeli Hasidic woman, Rama Burshtein. It’s playing in select theaters throughout the country. (We found a showing in Manhattan.) I had been hearing great things about it, so I was curious to see the movie for myself. Despite the all […]

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