Beautiful Sukkah Designs

Seven Beautiful Sukkah Designs You Have to See

While Purim gets much of the credit for being the Jewish holiday for expressing artistic skills, Sukkos is underrated as a time of year when creativity can thrive. With many rules inherent in sukkah building, many people stick to the wood, laminate, canvas or lattice walls that are relatively easy-to-build and that meet the halachic […]

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6 Must-Try Items from Kosherpalooza

If you were at last week’s Kosherpalooza, you know how awesome it was. Tons of food from so many vendors lined the walls and Instagram celebs milled about at this kosher consumer show. I was swept up in the joyful energy and shared love everyone had for really good, interesting and delicious kosher food. Here, some […]

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What Exhausting Pesach Prep Can Teach Us About Personal Growth

“Ma, there’s a fire!” is not what I wanted to hear as I was preparing for Passover by self-cleaning the oven. This was followed shortly by an explosion as the oven’s glass door shattered, leaving glass and burn marks all over the kitchen. Thankfully no one was hurt (except the flooring, which bears the marks […]

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How Haman Used “Purim” (Lots) To Terrorize Jews

The Jews are facing annihilation. This time, there seems to be no way out of their predicament. The king has issued a decree, and once the king has issued a decree there is no way of rescinding that decree. Yet, miracles of miracles, the Jews triumph! Out of seemingly nowhere, Esther, the quiet niece of […]

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2,200 Year-Old Coin Discovery Proves Story of Chanukah

For far too long, the stories of persecution against the Jewish people have been brushed aside as exaggerations or even complete falsehood. Despite Antiochus IV Epiphane having been a real historical figure — as is the Hasmonean War — there are elements of the Chanukah story which have been met with skepticism. That is now […]

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