
Attempted Antisemitic Attack In Teaneck, NJ Pediatric Office

This Monday, despite almost no news coverage, Cameron Cole entered a pediatrician’s office in the heavily Orthodox Jewish Teaneck, New Jersey holding a hammer, with blood dripping from his body. He began asking patients which ones were Jewish. A patient and her mother locked themselves in the bathroom, holding onto bleach as a makeshift weapon […]

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Hitman Dressed as Hasidic Jew Executes Murderer in Queens

Convicted murderer Jermaine Dixon was shot in the head as he was getting into his car in Queens last week, but the black, masked hitman who executed the crime was dressed as a Hasidic Jew. The shooter was decked in a rekel, the traditional black frock coat worn by Hasidic men on Shabbos, and a […]

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Hate Graffiti At NJ Yeshiva Sparks Investigation

After a floor tile was found with a swastika burned into it outside a Union Township yeshiva, police are investigating it as a hate crime. “We are closely following this disturbing development,” Dov Ben-Shimon, CEO of the Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest said on Twitter. He added, “We’re grateful for our law enforcement partners, on […]

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19 Year Old Orthodox Jewish Boy Shot Dead At Denver Yeshiva

Shmuel Silverberg of University Heights Cleveland, a 19-year-old yeshiva student learning in Denver was shot and killed in his yeshiva early Wednesday morning. He was buried last night in Lakewood, New Jersey. According to the Facebook post of a mother of another student at the yeshiva: “At least 2 shooters drove up and attacked the […]

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British Jews Face Record Anti-Semitism and Increased Fear

As a record number of anti-Semitic incidents have been reported in the U.K., British Jews are reacting with understandably high levels of fear. Following the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in May, anti-Semitic attacks saw a worldwide increase, though in the United Kingdom, remarkably so. A Rabbi in Essex was struck over the head with a brick outside […]

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Hasidic Jew Physically Harassed in Manhattan

A 20-year-old Hasidic Jew walking in Midtown Manhattan was physically harassed when three teenagers grabbed his hat and would not give it back until the Jewish man yelled “Free Palestine.” Occurring in broad daylight as rush hour pedestrian traffic began to build at West 43rd Street at 12th Avenue, no one stopped to help. Despite […]

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