
Was Jesus a Rabbi?

Dear Jew in the City, Was Jesus a rabbi? Sincerely, Ben   Thanks for your question, Ben. The answer depends on who you ask. As you are no doubt aware, Christians and Jews have some very different ideas when it comes to Jesus. Christians consider him the messiah; Jews don’t. Christians consider him to be […]

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Orthodox Jewish All Star, Dr. Jeremy England, “The Next Darwin”

Meet Orthodox Jewish All Star – Dr. Jeremy England – award-winning MIT physicist who many call “the next Darwin”!! “I don’t think there is any problem being a scientist while also having a commitment to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and Torah…those who see a strong tension there either need to have a subtler understanding of the […]

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Jeremy England (aka The Next Darwin) Just Wrote A Book On Science And Torah

The origins of the universe is a contentious debate between scientists and theologians, but theoretical biophysicist, Rabbi Dr. Jeremy England of Brookline, Massachusetts doesn’t believe it has to be. Currently a senior director in artificial intelligence at GlaxoSmithKline, a principal research scientist at Georgia Tech, and an ordained Orthodox rabbi, England developed a hypothesis during his […]

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This Orthodox Jewish Woman is a Real-Life Shark Scientist

If you had to choose one marine animal to call the “underdog of the sea,” we have a slight feeling sharks wouldn’t be the first (or tenth) to come to mind. For Yakira Herskowitz, though, it’s a different story. “Sharks are really misunderstood,” she says. Herskowitz became interested in sharks at the age of 11 […]

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