
Orthodox Jews Banned from Booking Vacation by German Company

Antisemitism is chilling no matter where you are in the world. Yet, when news broke out of an Orthodox Jewish family not being allowed to book a vacation by a German company, it hit a little differently. Germany was home to the mastermind of the Holocaust, the epicenter of evil. That evil started small. Seemingly […]

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What Is The Meaning Of The Shema Prayer?

Dear Jew in the City, I saw that the Shema was trending recently. Can you tell me a little bit about this prayer? Sincerely, Jonah Thanks for your question, Jonah. There’s a lot to say about Shema. For starters, did you know that it’s a mitzvah? I don’t mean that it’s a mitzvah to recite […]

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Jews Should Learn From The Black Community On How To Eradicate Jewface

Impact, not intent, is what matters in DEIA spaces. Yet with the recent release of Netflix’s Maestro trailer, featuring gentile actor Bradley Cooper donning a prosthetic nose even larger than Jewish composer Leonard Bernstein’s actual nose, many people are downplaying the harm, because it lacked antisemitic intent. Bernstein’s children released a statement, supporting the schnoz. […]

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