
Why Do So Many People Hate Orthodox Jews?

Dear Jew in the City, Why is there such hatred towards Orthodox and Chasidic Jews? As I pursue becoming observant, I have received many negative comments about the Orthodox, especially the Chasidic, from fellow Jews in particular. Why is this? I don’t understand. Can you shed some light on this. Thanks, Shelley

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This One Secret Will Keep You From Burning Your Food

I have recently become an expert – nay, a master – of white rice preparation. How, you ask? I don’t know exactly, but my white rice of late has had the perfect balance of oil, salt, moistness, and fluff. It is everything I ever hoped for and dreamed for in a calorie-heavy, nutrition-light accompaniment to the delicious (and likewise unhealthy) sweet and […]

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Anger Management

I call it a “food mood.” I don’t know what it is exactly – we’ve never consulted a doctor for a technical term – but there is something very real and disturbing that happens to my husband’s blood sugar when he gets hungry. It makes him faint, dizzy, and downright iRrAtiONal. It runs in his family, and now it runs […]

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