
The Haredi Platoon Commander in the IDF & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Lakewood Orthodox Leaders to Trump: Rethink Charlottesville Rabbi Aaron Kotler speaks out against Trump’s lack of reaction to Charlottesville. Kotler, CEO of Beth Medrash Govoha, and Weisberg are members of Lakewood’s Vaad, or Jewish council, which represents a large amount of the Orthodox Jewish community in public policy issues. The Orthodox population comprises more than […]

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Is Tznius A Woman’s Most Important Mitzvah?

Dear Jew in the City, I hear people in the Orthodox community sometimes talk about tznius (modesty) for a woman like it is her MOST important mitzvah. Like what she exists for. While I’m a fan of tznius, this perspective on it does not sit well with me – that our greatest goal in life […]

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What Should I Be Doing in Elul?

Dear Jew in the City, The month of Elul is a beautiful concept, but can be hard to relate to. What do I do actionably in Elul? What should we be trying to accomplish pre-teshuva? Best, Matt Dear Matt- Thanks for your question. First, let’s examine what Elul is. You might not realize how much […]

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A Jewish View On The Solar Eclipse

Being in the TV news business, I’ve been preoccupied with this week’s solar eclipse.  It not only makes for great TV (and price gouging on eclipse glasses), it also makes for a few Torah thoughts. The ‘experts” call this an extraordinary cosmic coincidence. But is it? The sun is 400 times larger than the moon, […]

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