
Do Orthodox Jews believe in vaccinating?

Dear Jew in the City, Lock the kids up…do not sicken everyone. You have no right to impose your beliefs against vaccination on the rest of society. If you don’t see it this way…advice…leave this country. Go to someplace where ignorance and stupidity are bliss.  America is NOT such a place.  We lose ours, you […]

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“Big Bang Theory” Producer Chats About Orthodox Jews on TV

I first heard about Eric Kaplan, senior writer and producer at The Big Bang Theory (and author of the new humorous philosophy book “Does Santa Exist?”) several years ago from my friend and Partner in Torah Mayim Bialik. Eric was doing a fair amount of Jewish learning with Orthodox Jewish rabbis and had started a weekly […]

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The Catholic Jewish Fetus Who Learned Torah With An Angel

“I recently learned that my mother’s mother’s mother was Jewish,” she wrote in her email. Apparently Cynthia’s grandmother had converted to Catholicism before World War II as anti-Semitism was rising. (Her great-grandmother had perished in the Holocaust.) Cynthia understood that although she was raised Catholic, according to Jewish law, she was considered a Jew. Despite […]

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Why Did a Hasidic Newspaper Photoshop Women Out of a Pic?

Dear Jew in the City, I would like to know what your thoughts are on the recent articles about the newspaper Hamevaser’s photoshopping of female leaders out of the photo of the French Unity March in Paris the other day. By the way, I love your site and I’ve gained a lot of insight into […]

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The Irish-Catholic Girl Who Grew Up With Orthodox Jews

In a world of increasing anti-Semitism, I recently met an unexpected advocate for Orthodox Jews. Michel King is a fifty-year old Irish Catholic woman with a passion for praising and defending the Orthodox Jewish community. That’s because some of her first friends in life (growing up in Borough Park, Brooklyn) were her Orthodox Jewish neighbors. […]

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An Orthodox Jew Who Increases Kindness in the World

When Rabbi Daniel Cohen was twenty-one years old, his mother (who was forty-four at the time) died suddenly of an aneurysm. Losing a parent unexpectedly at such a young age profoundly affected him. “We were speaking on the phone one day, then she was gone the next,” Rabbi Cohen recalls. His mother had taught him […]

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