
Israeli Technology Confirms Bible Event from Book of Kings

In a time when it seems like the world is turning against us, when people all over are crying out that a Jewish state shouldn’t exist, we keep getting gifts that show us just how true to the land we are. (If only others would take note!) The discovery by researchers at four Israeli universities […]

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Top Ten Jew in the City Articles of 2023

Happy (almost) New Year! While many of us celebrate the new year at Rosh Hashanah time, the changing of the calendar from one year to the next also holds some undeniable weight. It’s another fresh start, another opportunity for change and growth and an additional moment to reflect on the past.   We’re reflecting on […]

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What Chanukah Really Is About (in Contrast to What Many People Think)

Celebrating Chanukah this year is just different. While we’re still eating our donuts and latkes, we’re lighting with extra prayers for hope, for miracles, for salvation. This year, it’s normal and expected to light with a heavy heart, as we continue to mourn the atrocities in Israel and the soldiers that continue to give their […]

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