
This Woman Was Raised Hasidic And is Now the Chief Risk Officer at the NSA & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Filter Fish – At Life’s End, Rediscovering the Joys of a Childhood Favorite – Oliver Sacks, neurologist and best-selling author, passed away on August 30th. He writes of his early love of his mother’s gefilte fish, the caretaker who learned to make it for him many years later, and how, at the end of his life, the gefilte fish jelly again brought nourishment for his body and soul

360i CEO Sarah Hofstetter Shows Us Her ‘Hoffice’ – Our 2013 Orthodox Jewish All Star, Sarah Hofstetter, brings her Jewish values to work with a kosher kitchen and by practicing hachnasis orchim (hospitality)!

A Rabbi From Uber – A sweet kiddush Hashem story of an Uber driver (who also happens to be a Rabbi) who did a favor for the secular Jew he drove to a Jewish cemetery

The Meteor from Borough Park: Meet the Hasidic Woman Who Manages Risk for the NSA – The life story of another of our 2013 All Stars, Chani Neuberger, including growing up speaking Yiddish and going to Columbia University – all while observing her faith and ultra-Orthodox traditions

Orthodox Burgeoning as the Jewish New Year Dawns – A recent Pew Center study suggests that Orthodox Judaism is now the fastest-growing branch of the faith in the U.S

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