
The Young Haredi Woman Helping Jerusalem’s Homeless & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Officials Rule Delaware Chabad Center Fire an Arson
Fortunately, no one was hurt in the blaze, but the damages are estimated to be at $75,000. The incident comes after a Chabad center in Oregon caught fire twice in the last week.

Boy Forms Heartwarming Bond With UPS Driver During Pandemic
A three-year-old Orthodox Jewish boy in West Rogers Park formed a special bond with his family’s UPS driver. When the driver showed him kindness after an emergency appendectomy, the boy’s family responded in kind.

The Ultra-Orthodox Teen Trying to Save Jerusalem’s Homeless Youth Every Night
Tova Safranai is just 18, but two years ago she founded a nonprofit called Groundless Love – Giving for the Sake of Giving (Ahavat Hinam – Latet Bishvil Latet). Its goal is to provide warmth, love, attention, clothing and food to at-risk youth, which she was trained to help by the Jerusalem Municipality.

Another Antisemitic Attack Last Night in Williamsburg
A Hasidic Jew’s shtreimel went flying after he was rammed by a car in heart-stopping footage from Saturday night. While the man appeared to get up without aid after the hit-and-run incident, it is a disturbing amping up of antisemitic violence alongside this week’s bicoastal shul arson attacks.

Lincolnwood Police Get Meal Delivery From Members of Orthodox Jewish Community; Mayor, Chief on Hand
The Lincolnwood Police Department received a gesture of appreciation from members of the local Orthodox Jewish community who offered a drop-off meal delivery. Organizer Chaia Sophia Miller of Chicago’s West Rogers Park neighborhood has helped with four other deliveries since the death of George Floyd. Miller says, “At the end of the day…there are bad apples in every profession, let alone race. What the police did in Minneapolis does not characterize all police, just like a Black offender does not characterize the entire Black community.”

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