
Norman Lear Study On Jewish Representation In the News!

The groundbreaking study on Jewish representation in contemporary television, that we collaborated on with the USC Norman Lear Center, has garnered recognition from some of the most prominent media outlets in the industry. The more this information gets out to Hollywood executives, the more chance we have to move the needle in terms of improving Jewish representation. We are in the process of setting up meetings with all the studios to discuss the study! Here’s a round-up of the major features and highlights.

1.Variety Magazine

2. The Wrap

3. The Hollywood Reporter

4. Jewish Telegraph Agency

5. i24 News

6. Sid and Friends

7. New York Post 

And in other news, The Motion Picture Academy has a Jew-hating problem. We called this out last year with our viral letter, chiding them for excluding Jews from their diversity standards. We called in out with their antisemitic Jewish exhibit in their museum. In our recent feature in this NYPost article, we clarify that there is a concerning pattern that will not get better unless we stand up for ourselves.

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