
Jewish Media Awards Press Coverage: Variety, Hollywood Reporter, Page Six, and More!

Last Tuesday night, we witnessed “The Greatest Night in Jewish Representation,” a celebration of Jewish diversity like never before. When we first envisioned combining the All Star Awards with The Jewish Media Awards, I wondered if we could bring together Jews from all walks of life and create something meaningful without alienating anyone. To my amazement, the night exceeded all expectations. The energy was palpable, and the heartfelt responses we’ve received from across the spectrum have been nothing short of miraculous. This event wouldn’t have been possible without the incredible support of our sponsors, volunteers, and dedicated team. Special thanks to Chanie Waxler, Saul Blinkoff, Andrew Berg, and our amazing presenters and performers. We’ve already received coverage from top outlets like LA Magazine, Fox News, Page Six, and more. It was truly a night to remember.

1. The Hollywood Reporter

2. Variety Magazine

3. Los Angeles Magazine

4. Page Six

5) Fox News

6. The New York Post

7. Forbes Magazine

After a brutal year for Jewish press, this is the biggest win. Thank you Hashem.

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