
This Kosher Market Offers Groceries for Free

Originally conceived as a pop-up store, Rabbi Chezky Rosenfeld’s Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, kosher market is now permanently offering free kosher food to all who need it, with no questions asked. The 33-year-old Yeshiva Schools administrator conceived of the idea for the store and helped bring the notion to a reality. Inspired by the food insecurity faced by so many during the COVID-19 pandemic, he had been picking up and dropping off food, only to realize that having a central location would be more efficient. All the food is available, free of charge to people of any faith or socioeconomic status. Rabbi Rosenfeld says, “It’s not just about people that don’t have the financial means. Especially during COVID, people are at home all day. They don’t always have the money to purchase groceries, and they’re so overwhelmed. A lot of programs aren’t available for these people. They can come here … and get a little bit of relief.” Read more here.

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