
Beatie Deutsch is the Face of Adidas’ Newest Campaign

Beatie Deutsch only started running in 2016, but now the marathon winner (ranked in the top 80 women runners in the world!) and Haredi mom of five is the face of Adidas’ latest campaign. Always dressed modestly when she runs, Deutsch is an inspiration for Orthodox Jewish women, who sometimes aren’t sure how to combine athletics with religious practice. Deutsch is now the Israeli national champion in marathon and half marathon. Despite being unable to convince the Tokyo 2020 Olympic committee to move the marathon from Shabbos (as it originally was before the games were postponed due to the pandemic), and not re-qualifying despite her initial qualification, Deutsch looks to 2024 with hope. She says, “I know my time will come…I love sport, I love pushing myself, I love challenging myself, I love running. I’m using this gift that Hashem has given me in a way to fulfill my mission here. I’m really blessed.” Read more here.

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