
This New Doctor is a Monsey Hasidic Mother of Ten

Alexandra Friedman is not a typical Monsey Hasidic mother of ten children, but she is one of a few who can now be proud to be called “Doctor.” With children ranging between 8-months-old and 21-years-old, she and her husband have collaborated on how to support her in her journey to the pediatrics residency she is about to begin in Boca Raton, FL. Having graduated from Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine at the top of her class academically, her journey highlights her extraordinary commitment and drive to achieve this goal. Wearing a wig under her surgical cap and a surgical gown over scrubs, she maintains modesty under strict medical standards. She even studied for her board exam while in labor with her now three-year-old twin girls. She recently said, “In Judaism, there’s a belief that if you don’t use the gifts given to you by God, you’re not really honoring God.” Read more here.

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