
An Outpouring of Support for Covid-Battling Nissim Black & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

Orthodox Rapper Nissim Black Hospitalized with Coronavirus
Orthodox rapper Nissim Black confirmed that he has been hospitalized with coronavirus, but denied reports that he was in critical condition. “Thanks for all the tefillos everybody. I am currently getting oxygen and meds in the Hospital and I AM NOT in critical condition. Still need tefillos for a speedy recovery. Thank you all,” Black wrote on Twitter.

4 Jewish Teens Robbed at Baltimore Mall Say They Were Targeted For Their Religion
Four Jewish teens who were robbed while leaving a Baltimore mall said the knife-wielding attacker targeted them for their religious observance. The teens said their shopping bags, cellphones and wallets were taken outside the Towson Town Center, the Baltimore Sun reported, citing the Baltimore County police.

Turning Tragedy Into Hope
In Borough Park, Brooklyn, the largest group of Orthodox Jewish people live outside of Israel. It is also the center of the largest group of plasma donors in the fight against Covid-19.

Police Looking For 3 Men Suspected Of Yelling Anti-Semitic Slurs, Beating Orthodox Jewish Man In Brooklyn
The NYPD is looking for three men they say are suspected of beating a 51-year-old Orthodox Jewish man and yelling anti-Semitic slurs at him in Brooklyn. Police said it happened on July 11 around 3 p.m. when a 911 caller reported an assault in front of 2525 Kings Highway, near East 27th Street.

Tales of Jewish Suffering Take Over Anti-Semitic ‘JewishPrivilege’ Hashtag
Jewish activists have driven a Twitter trend to co-opt a hashtag used by anti-Semites, replacing conspiracy theories with actual stories of Jewish suffering.
The Twitter hashtag “#JewishPrivilege” has been used by anti-Semites and conspiracy theorists for years, but over the last few days has instead become a locus for personal accounts highlighting discrimination faced by Jews over the centuries and today.

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