
Seven Fabulous Lighting Ideas For Your Sukkah

Sukkos is nearly here and if you’re like us, you just started putting up everything you’ll need to enjoy the holiday. We’re excited to try out some new lighting, bringing our celebration to a whole new level of illumination. Here are some brand new lighting ideas to take your sukkah from night to bright for all 7 days of dwelling within it! Links below are all available with free Prime two-day shipping, and clicking on them benefits Jew in the City and Makom at the same time.

Waterproof Globe String Lights

These easy-to-install and modern-looking bulbs will complement any sukkah and add flair while lighting up your seudas. Get a single string for a boho bar patio feel, or multiple sets for a whimsical experience.

Nautical Outdoor Lights

Whether you love shades of blue, can’t stop adoring the beach, fancy your sukkah to resemble a wooden boat, or appreciate the Sukkos imagery of the Leviasan (Leviathan), these nautical string lights will bring color and imagination to your sukkah. These lights also come in cactus and palm tree varieties, among others, if another theme strikes your fancy more.

Invisible-Style Copper String Lights

These tiny lights on a nearly-invisible wire can be used on walls, as curtains or doors, as well as on ceilings. With a choice between warm and cool LED light settings, you can even match these plates to your sukkah walls or tableware. Experiment with these and dress up your sukkah with infinite possibilities.

Faux Flower Battery Lights

These waterproof glass lights can be dramatic and romantic at the same time. Use them around the base of your sukkah walls, or create an entrance path to your sukkah that welcomes your guests with light and beauty.

Color Changing LED String Lights

Bring a black-light vibe to your sukkah, or add to the atmosphere by rotating through the different colors with these outdoor string lights. With red and green lighting options as well, you can have a different theme for every night of Chol HaMoed to go with your Simchas Beis HaShoeva theme.

Globe String Lights With Detail

Hello, Moroccan vibe! These lights feature silhouette detail that instantly creates an exotic, romantic design. Combine them with colorful tapestries for a trip to Marrakesh, or use them with farmhouse chairs for an industrial French feel.

Honeybee Lights

Tishrei’s main theme of a sweet new year doesn’t end with Rosh Hashana, as these solar-powered bee lights can attest. Use these in your sukkah, then again next Tishrei as the ultimate symbol of sweetness helps your sukkah decor to take off.


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