
Why Don’t Orthodox Jews Shake Hands?

Hi Jew in the City-

Why don’t Orthodox Jews shake hands with members of the opposite sex?

Thank you,

Dear Lloyd-

This is a slightly-loaded question in that it makes a number of assumptions and you’re going to meet people who may not live up to those expectations. I agree with the basic premise, though: as a general rule, observant Jews do not shake hands with members of the opposite sex.

The root of this practice is Leviticus 18:6, which tells us that no person may draw near to a forbidden relationship in order to initiate sexual congress. The forbidden relationships are already clearly delineated. What’s added by this verse is the “do not draw near” part, which is understood as a prohibition against any form of affectionate contact (derech chibah) with a forbidden relationship (Sifra Acharei Mos 9, et al.).

Rambam (Maimonides) considers the prohibition against affectionate contact to be Biblical in origin, while Ramban (Nachmanides) considers it to be a rabbinic enactment. All authorities agree that it is prohibited, but there may be some differences in extenuating circumstances depending on whether the prohibition is Biblical or rabbinic in nature.

“Affectionate contact” clearly includes hugging and kissing but does it include shaking hands? Handshaking is definitely a sign of camaraderie; just look at the way the public reacts when a public figure does or doesn’t shake hands with a political rival or unpopular world leader. In our society, handshaking is a sign of brotherhood, and that’s chibah (affection) even if it’s not romantic.

A common – but far from universal – practice is to accept a hand if offered by a person of the opposite gender who is unfamiliar with the Jewish practice. This is done so as not to embarrass the other person, which may seem curious. After all, if someone offers us non-kosher food, we’re not allowed to eat it to avoid embarrassing them! The difference is that there are a lot of gray areas in this matter. Not only is there the question of whether the law is Biblical or rabbinic in nature, there are different opinions on just how affectionate handshaking is, some authorities considering it “just business” and not affectionate at all. So while leaping straight for the handshake is not the normative Orthodox practice, there is room to be lenient in extenuating circumstances. (Although, if it’s going to be an ongoing business relationship, it’s advisable to advise the person about one’s religious practice.) It should be noted that some authorities, such as Rabbeinu Yonah, consider any form of cross-gender physical contact to be prohibited, so defining handshakes as affectionate or not would be moot in their opinions.

Here are some examples of what’s excluded by limiting the prohibition to affectionate contact: helping someone fallen to get up, helping someone who needs assistance to walk, a dental hygienist putting their hands in your mouth, a doctor or a physical therapist of the opposite gender, a lifeguard rescuing someone. Generally speaking a professional person in the course of their duties is considered non-affectionate. We see this from the Talmud Yerushalmi (Sotah chapter 3), which discusses the matter of how a kohein would wave a woman’s mincha (flour) offering by placing his hands under hers and guiding her. He was definitely touching her but the contact is non-affectionate and permitted. (There may be limits to what is considered “professional services.” Getting a haircut from a member of the opposite sex is a gray area in that the need is certainly less compelling than when seeing a medical professional; ask your rabbi. We can safely say that a non-medical massage would be a step too far.)

Rav Moshe Feinstein has a well-known responsum (Iggros Moshe EH II:14) in which he addresses men sitting next to women on crowded transportation like subways and buses. He rules that such unintentional contact is not affectionate in nature and therefore permitted. He does point out one important exception: if one is doing it intentionally because he enjoys it, then it is prohibited. This is an important principle: the things that are permitted are only permitted because one does not get a sexual sensation from them. If a particular person does get a sexual thrill from sitting next to a person of the opposite sex, a handshake or a haircut, then for that person it would be considered derech chibah (an affectionate manner) even if such is not the intention of the other party.

Finally, it should be noted that if a man declines to shake hands with a woman, it’s not because they’re being sexist. This law works both ways: men don’t shake hands with women and women don’t shake hands with men.

So that’s the short form on why Orthodox Jews don’t generally shake hands with members of the opposite sex and why you may see some exceptions. There are those who consider it a Biblical prohibition and those who consider it rabbinic. Some consider handshaking to be affectionate, some consider it business as usual, and for some that distinction is irrelevant. The bottom line difference is that some will accept a hand if offered in ignorance while others will decline in all circumstances. Adherents of each practice have valid reasons to act as they do.

Rabbi Jack Abramowitz
JITC Educational Correspondent

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  • Avatar photo ddq says on June 27, 2018

    there are some views not included here. Rabbi Mordechai Willig and Rav Hershel Schachter permit handshaking even without the opposite gender extending first.

    • Avatar photo Allison Josephs says on June 27, 2018

      Fascinating! I had no idea. Thank you!

    • Avatar photo DB says on June 29, 2018

      I have heard the opposite, directly from Rav Willig. He does not allow you to offer your hand, and if offered advises one to give a “dead fish” handshake. Before relying on this I advise one to look into it.

  • Avatar photo Mahamoud El-Yousseph says on August 4, 2020

    I wrote this article few days ago and I thought is relevant. Perhaps would be of interest to my Jewish cousins as well as Christians.

    Why Muslim women don’t shake hands with all men?

    A Brit once asked an old wise Muslim man, “Why Muslim women don’t shake hands with all men?” The old man brilliantly answered, “Can anyone in England shake the Queen’s hand?” The Brit answered, “Absolutely not!” Adding there is a law that allows only seven kinds of people among the Queen’s courtiers who can shake her hand. The wise man quickly said, “We too have a law that permits only ten kinds of people who can shake a Muslim woman’s hand and are allowed to see her hair, whereas the rest of the people can’t.” Here is the list:

    1) The father, 2) the brothers, 3) the grandfathers, 4) the husband, the sons, 5) the stepsons, 6) the son-in-law, 7) the father-in-law, 8) the uncles, 9) the grandsons, and 10) the nephews.

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    It’s worth nothing here that same applied to Muslim men when interacting with people who are not close relatives. So, next time you are around Muslim men and women, you may notice that they keep their gaze down, avoid shaking hands, or refrain from mingling with members of the opposite sex. Just remember, if you are non-Muslim, you should know that this is not meant to offend or be disrespectful and to recognize and respect other people’s religious and cultural customs.

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    Two years ago, a University of Auckland, New Zealand professor was fired after trying to force a Muslim student to shake his hand and then accusing her of sexual discrimination when she refused his advances. Shortly after, Mahvash Ali, a Muslim columnist wrote an Op-ed (Stuff, New Zealand, March, 2018) in defense of the female Muslim students where she succinctly put it, “I’ll greet you my way so please don’t give me a hand.”

    Mahmoud El-Yousseph
    USAF Retired Veteran

  • Avatar photo Deborah J Dietsch says on September 2, 2021

    Interesting…. But it still implies prejudice towards non Jews no matter how it IS or ISN’T proper
    It’s a ‘damn if I do or don’t” situation since no priest or clergymen in Christian religion would always extend a welcoming hand shake..??? A Rabbi’s coldness give me an untrusting feeling
    It’s a “keep away your Christianity”
    Very cold

    • Avatar photo Allison Josephs says on September 9, 2021

      Thanks for your comment, Deborah, but this has nothing to do with Jewishness. This is a male female thing, as Orthodox Jews reserve touch for only family members and spouses. A rabbi would extend his hand to a non-Jewish man.

  • Avatar photo Ana Lenkova says on April 22, 2022

    I was invited to a Shabbat dinner recently by very close Jewish friends (he’s observant, his wife plays along, they are both incredibly sweet and tolerant of each other. Another couple joined – whilst the wife at least acknowledged my presence with a nod, the man did not only not shake my hand (I did’nt extend it) he simply i g n o r e d my friendly “hello, I’m Ana”. It made me feel unworthy and totally despicable. It was as if a hole had opened up under my feet. There could not be any sexual attraction – I’m a 75 year old grandmother and it shows. So why are some Jewish men so aweful towards a woman who could be their grandmother? Have they no respect?

    • Avatar photo Allison Josephs says on April 26, 2022

      Thanks for your comment, Ana, but this is socially off behavior, not Orthodox behavior. I know when we see someone from a group we judge them as the group, but imagine this was just some guy from no group. And he was bad at socializing. Many Orthodox men and women carry on wonderful conversations with new people. I’m sorry it was uncomfortable but his Judaism didn’t make him do it.


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