
Rabbi With ALS’s Message of Hope & Other Orthodox Jews in the News

An Arab Comes Home to His Judaism
This is the story of a man born in Kuwait to a Palestinian-Muslim family and who today lives as an observant Jew in Jerusalem. It is a story of slavery, of exodus and of personal redemption.

Rabbi Diagnosed With ALS Shares Message of Hope Despite Struggles
In a Finding Faith TODAY report, NBC’s Natalie Morales speaks with Los Angeles-based rabbi Mitzi Hurwitz, who was diagnosed in 2013 with ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Despite the hardship, Hurwitz and his family have found their belief in God has strengthened. “What keeps me going is the realization that God is real,” he says.

Rare Trove of Bronze Jewish Revolt Coins Unearthed Near Temple Mount
A hoard of rare bronze Jewish Revolt coins has been discovered at the recently renewed Ophel excavations. The trove of dozens of bronze coins minted during the last years of the ill-fated four-year rebellion of the Jews against Roman rule was uncovered in a cave just south of the Temple Mount by Hebrew University archaeologist Dr. Eilat Mazar.

Councilman Takes Notorious Anti-Semite’s Name Off Street
A Brooklyn councilman has backed the renaming of a borough street honoring a notorious anti-Semite and rechristening it with a more deserving namesake. Corbin Place in Brighton Beach was named after 19th-century robber baron Austin Corbin, father of the Long Island Rail Road and an open anti-Semite.

‘Shark Tank’ Featured Vegan, Kosher Cinnamon Bun Bakery Opens in Boca
When Naomi and Todd Cohn and their three children fled Florida to avoid Hurricane Matthew in 2016, they landed in Atlanta. Cohn was eager to return to Boca Raton after noshing on warm, sticky — and guilt-free —cinnamon buns at Cinnaholic. The buns were vegan, and therefore kosher, as the Cohns adhere to eating guidelines of their Jewish faith. A year-and-a-half later, they opened the first Floridian franchise of Cinnaholic on Northwest 20th Street, near Florida Atlantic University.

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