
“Ask Me About My Orthodox Jewish Life” At NBC

NBC recently removed a libelous anti-Orthodox episode from their show “Nurses,” but until their writers, producers, and the rest of Hollywood meet Orthodox Jews and learn about our lives, these inaccurate and one dimensional portrayals will continue. To keep the conversation going a small (Covid-friendly) group of JITC staff and volunteers from across the different […]

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i24News Feat. Allison Josephs On NBC Anti-Orthodox “Nurses” Episode

NBC-TV pulls episode of `Nurses’ after charges it presented inflammatory portrayal of Hasidic Jews; Allison Josephs, director of Jew in the City website that first protested the program, explains to Calev Ben-David why she found it so objectionable, on The Rundown on i24NEWS.  And B’nai Brith Canada gets Entertainment One, the producers of the episode, […]

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Orthodox Jewish Baker Competes in Food Network’s “Candy Land”

Miriam Adar (@Miriam.Adar.Cakes on Instagram), one of eleven children, born and bred in Lakewood, New Jersey, has been a lifelong artist. On a whim, she baked a fancy cake for her daughter’s birthday 7 years ago. From there, she discovered that fancy fondant cake making was her new artistic passion. She opened a business in […]

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