Jewish Couple

Why Do Orthodox Jewish Women Shave Their Heads?

Dear Jew in the City- Why do Orthodox Jewish women shave their heads? Thank you, Kylie Dear Kylie- Thanks for your question. To say that Orthodox Jewish women shave their heads is a huge generalization, and not a particularly accurate one. What the majority of Orthodox women do is cover their hair. The parameters of […]

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How Makom Saved My Life…Literally

I had always been way too mature and intelligent for my age. I was the kind of kid who would stump the teachers with the difficult questions, the one who effortlessly mastered all subjects and always had her nose in a book. For as long as I can remember I always felt out of place […]

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Jew in the City’s Makom is Why I Stayed Religious

Take 2 minutes to listen and be blown away. This member had to conceal her identity when she left us this powerful message. We have 250 Makom members, and it’s growing by the day. Please become a Change Maker by giving at any level each month so we can continue to make this impact. https://jewinthecity.com/donate/

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